5 Powerful Bible Verses to Help with Anxiety
At one point in our lives, we all experience some form of anxiety. It is a common emotion that we can feel pretty often. However, sometimes we let it overtake our entire life and ruin our day. Quick Story Next week, I will start my new travel nurse assignment in Indianapolis. I have never been to Indianapolis, so I began…
Five Fun ways to spend quality time with God
Let’s start doing fun activities with God! When was the last time that you spent time with God? I mean, some good quality one-on-one personal time with God? Some of us have to think farther than others. No worries! We are going to dive into some ways to spend time with God. In the summer of 2021, my time with God…
How to improve walk with Christ with 5 small habits
Think about what you do every day. Take a quick minute. Did spending time with God come to mind? If it did, that is awesome! But, if not, do not beat yourself up about it. If we are honest with ourselves, we get caught up in life, and we sometimes forget to…
New Year’s Resolutions for 2022 with updates
We pretty much know what New Year’s Resolutions are. In case you do not know it is pretty much some goals for the upcoming new year. Can we be honest for a minute? They only last at most three months until we forget about them. Do not get me wrong; some people follow through with all…
My Christian Bucket List
Bucket list– a list of achievements you would like completed before you die My first time being introduced to a bucket list was on Tumblr when I was in high school. There were so many bucket list blogs, and I was blown away. So I started to create my bucket list. While creating it, I got so overwhelmed…