
My Christian Bucket List


Bucket list a list of achievements you would like completed before you die


My first time being introduced to a bucket list was on Tumblr when I was in high school. There were so many bucket list blogs, and I was blown away. So I started to create my bucket list. While creating it, I got so overwhelmed with how “all over the place” it looked. So I decided to organize it into categories.


One portion of my list was related to my faith. However, most of the “goals” I listed for my faith was from desires God had placed in me. So it took a while to come up with a list.


This list is different from the other sections in my bucket list; If I complete something, I will continue to do it repeatedly until I can’t do it anymore. These are not one-time goals; they are merely breakthrough achievements. Nevertheless, I achieve the goals, so that gives me more motivation to keep doing it again.


To keep me accountable, I will update my list every six months until the goal on the list is accomplished. With each update, it will show my progress so I can see how far I have come. Hopefully, my transparency encourages someone to get started or keep doing what God told them to do.



Welcome to my Christian bucket list.

1. Go on a Medical mission trip

In 2015, during one of my quiet times with God, I told Him what I wanted to do when I became a nurse. The desire to participate in a medical mission trip came into my mind. I thought it was just a temporary feeling. But, as the years went by, the desire remained. Taking care of people’s medical needs and telling them about Jesus still brings me joy.


August 2021- I signed up with an organization, but I haven’t signed up for a trip at the moment.


2.Become somewhat of an expert on at least 3 books of the Bible 

I saw this goal somewhere a couple of years ago and just fell in love with the idea. At the moment, I know I would love to dive deep into the book of Romans and most likely the book of John. The third book is going to be a book from the old testament. I am undecided at the moment. With becoming an expert, I would like to give a clear summary of the book, what was happening at the moment, who wrote it, the year it was written, etc.


August 2021- I haven’t started yet.


3.Tell someone about the Gospel

I have told someone about the Gospel before, and honestly, it took a left turn. Telling them about Jesus wasn’t where the left turn happened. It happened when I was asked questions about my faith that I did know the answer to. Luckily, I learned about apologetics (defending the Christian faith), which helped a little more. So instead of doing it online, I would like to tell someone in person one on one about Christ. I will have to let my introverted side not get in the way.

August 2021: The most I have done was pray for a stranger.


4.Memorize 3 Bible chapters

In my church, we recite Psalm 23 before we start our Sunday service. So I thought it would be cool to not only learn that chapter but learn more chapters. I’m more focused on Psalms because many comforting verses and chapters can come to my mind when I need them most.


August 2021: I haven’t figured out which 3 Bible chapters to read.


5. Memorize 100 Bible verses

Along with learning chapters, I have in the past prayed Bible verses over people’s lives. Along with that, God’s Word has been there for me in some tough times, and I would like to have those Bible verses in my mind and heart.


August 2021: I have not started yet.


6.Write a devotional book

Devotional books have helped me and kept me on track with spending time with God. So being able to write a devotional book on a topic that God places in my heart would be lovely. I don’t want to write just one, but I want to write several. They have helped me so I would like to return the favor.


August 2021: I have not started.


7. Get Baptize in the Jordan River

I got baptized in the summer of 2011, but I wouldn’t mind going through that wonderful experience again. What better way to get baptized again than in the same River Jesus got baptized in. It just feels serene and very intimate.


August 2021: I have not started yet.


8. Win someone to Christ

To piggyback off of #3, on top of me telling someone about the Gospel, it would be awesome if they accept Jesus into their life organically. The more people in the body of Christ, the better. In #3, I know I would have a one-on-one conversation, but if someone comes to Christ through my blog, that would be wonderful.


August 2021: It has not happened yet.


9. Finish a theology book

Instead of just reading the Bible, I would like to dig into a deeper understanding of the Word. I have the “Systematic Theology” book, and it is the size of a college textbook, but it is easy to grasp. Systemic Theology will not be the last book I read, so If you have any suggestions on theology books to read, let me know!


August 2021: I read a total of 2/57 chapters out of the book.


10. Wash Someone’s feet

Washing feet is such a humbling way of showing submission. Jesus did it to his disciples before dying on the cross. Mary did it to Jesus with her hair. I want to do to my future husband.


August 2021: I have not done it yet.


As you can see, I haven’t done a lot of the goals yet. I haven’t even gotten started on some of them yet. So I want to be transparent and show that we sometimes have plans, but we just haven’t started yet. I have had these goals for a few years now, and I have not started. So what is holding me back?


Fear and the idea that I am not good enough to complete them.


That is not true, and God gave me a spirit of power, love, and sound mind, so I will complete these and continue to do the desires God has placed in me. If God did not think we could do these desires, do you think He would have given it to us?



What are some desires God has placed in you? Have you started implementing them?

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