Challenges,  Lifestyle

New Year’s Resolutions for 2022 with updates


   We pretty much know what New Year’s Resolutions are. In case you do not know it is pretty much some goals for the upcoming new year. Can we be honest for a minute?


   They only last at most three months until we forget about them. Do not get me wrong; some people follow through with all their resolutions. But, unfortunately, a lot of us, including me, do not follow through.


   This year will be different. I want to follow through with all of my resolutions. Well, at least work on them until the end of the year. Even if I do not complete them, I want to be able to say that I tried.


   The updates that I provided will be every 3 months. Along the way, when I complete a goal, I will put the dates that each goal was completed. Each set of goals is separated into categories, to make the goals more organized. I made sure to create goals that were measurable so they would be easy to document.


   I encourage anyone reading this that whatever goals you want to complete, do not give up even if you didn’t reach the goal you wanted on time. Keep going! Some progress is better than no progress. You have to start somewhere.


   With my New Year resolutions, I will be documenting my progress. I will not be upset if I do not reach these resolutions. In fact, I will be more upset if I abandon them as I did in the previous years. In addition, I’m already getting into the habit of documenting my progress, just like this end-of-year post that I made.


Let us begin!



Health and Fitness

1. Go 2 months without drinking sugary drinks 

March 24-Have not started

 June 7– Have not started 

2. Do a no high fructose syrup diet for 1 week 

March 24– Have not started

June 7– Have not started

3. Go to the gym consistent for a month 

March 24– Have not started 

June 7– Have not started

Personal Growth

1. Read 10 books

March 24: Still on first book 

June 7: 0 books

2. 30 days without social media

March 24: Have not started  

June 7: Have not started 

3. Journal for 40 days straight 

March 24: have not started 

June 7: Have not started



1. Read the entire Bible.

March 24: 3 books read

June 7: 5 books

2. Complete a Total of 100 Bible Plans

March 24: 31 plans total

June 7: 31 plans total

3. Finish reading my theology book 

March 24: 2/37 chapter read

June 7: 3/37

Skills Based 

1. Take a Photography Course

March 24: Two lessons out of 9 completed

June 7: 3/9


2. Cook 50 New Meals 

March 24: 6 new meals 

June 7: 13 total new meals

3. Complete 30 edit tutorial on Lightroom

March 24: 5 

June 7: 15 total 

4. Learn how to do my own makeup 

March 24: Have not started 

June 7: learned Foundation and concealer application along with highlight 


Financial Life

1. Monetize my Blog

March 24: have not started 

June 7: Have not started 

2. Pay off Credit Card Debt (Completed 12/26/21)

3. Make a sell on Etsy

March 24: have not start

June 7: have not start

4. Sell A Photo Print

March 24: Have not start

June 7: Have not started 

5. Pay Car Off

March 24: $17400

June 7: 16560

6. Pay Student Loans off 

March 24: 26,800

June 7: 26800



1. Become a Travel Nurse

March 24: have not started 

June 7: Have not started 

2. Get ACLS license 

March 24: Have not started

May 20: DONE 


1. Get a Million monthly views on Pinterest

March 24: 10, 539

June 7: 19400

2. Get 1000 Views in a month on Blog

March 24: 17 views in the last 30 days 

June 7: 59 views

3. 2000 Followers on Instagram

March 24: 102 followers on current account.  My old Instagram got hacked in February. 

June 7: 122

4. 1000 email subscribers

March 24: 0 

June 7: 0

5. 1000 Likes on TikTok

March 24: 254

June 7: I will be starting a new account so I will be back to square one


Now that my goals are listed, what are your goals? Please take out a piece of paper and a pen and start writing them down. Once you have them brainstormed, rewrite them with spaces underneath them so you can provide constant updates. Then, when December gets here, we can celebrate our progress or our accomplishments.




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