
How to improve walk with Christ with 5 small habits


   Think about what you do every day.


   Take a quick minute.


   Did spending time with God come to mind?


   If it did, that is awesome! But, if not, do not beat yourself up about it. If we are honest with ourselves, we get caught up in life, and we sometimes forget to spend time with God. However, spending time with God is very important, and we have to realize that we need Him in our everyday life rather busy or not.


   I did not realize how much I wasn’t giving my time to God until I updated my end-of-the-year goals post. One particular purpose was to read three books of the Bible. But, instead, I only read two books.




   Of course, I was busy with work and trying to plan my wedding, but there was no reason why I only read two books in three months. That was a wake-up call that I needed to spend more time with God. So, these goals are not only to help you but also to help me. So, let us get started on these small yet impactful habits.



1. Listen to Podcast or worship while doing simple task such as cleaning or driving

   Turn on some music through a speaker and sing a worship song while cleaning. Don’t forget to finish cleaning, though, haha. On your way to work, listen to a quick podcast from Youtube or Spotify. I listen to podcasts on my way to work, making those 20+ minute commute productive. I listen to Youtubers such as Ruslan KD, Jude 3 Project and Got Questions Ministries to name a few. If you listen to any Podcasters, let me know! 


2. Read the Word of God for at least 20 minutes a day

   If we are too busy to spend at least 20 minutes reading the Word of God, we may need to evaluate what we do in our daily lives. I’m guilty of this. I can watch a series on Netflix for an entire day, but I don’t think I have time to spend time with God. We definitely can give God 20 minutes of our day. We need to figure out our main distraction. For example, If it is social media, set a goal to get on social media after spending time with God.


3. When you pray before you eat, pray for someone and give praise to God

   Make a list of people you would like to pray for or think about something God has done in your life or someone else’s life. It can be one thing. Even if you are eating a small snack, you can praise God. Starting this habit will help increase how much you pray daily. Hopefully starting this habit will increase how much you pray a day. Eventually, you can start praying without creasing as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 states. 


4. Instead of daily affirmation, use Bible verses.

   I am not knocking daily affirmations, but God wants us to meditate on the Word of God. Our identity is in Christ, so why not read Bible verses about who we are in Christ and His promises. If daily affirmations have been influential in your life, you can try reading an affirmation and reading a Bible verse together daily. I tried to use daily commitment and went a month before reading another one! I guess I got the concept of daily and monthly mixed up. Nonetheless, I can get you started with a verse to use today.



 “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” – 1 Peter 2:9



5. Read a devotional or do a Bible Plan

   Go to Barnes and Noble and find a good devotional book and read it when you first wake up, before you go to sleep, or during a lunch break. If you do not want to use a handheld book, download an eBook. If you want to save money, use the Bible app and look up some plans. You can do plenty of Bible plans daily, ranging from work, relationships, the gospel, and many more.



Final Words

I know I have gone days, even a week, without spending time with God. But, on the other hand, having God in as much of my day as possible is incredible. These habits can increase your time in God’s Word, prayer life, and worship time. Pick a practice and give it a try for seven days. I pray these habits to help you and tell me which one you will be trying!





What other ways do you include God in your everyday life?




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