
Five Fun ways to spend quality time with God

Let’s start doing fun activities with God!

When was the last time that you spent time with God? I mean, some good quality one-on-one personal time with God? Some of us have to think farther than others. No worries! We are going to dive into some ways to spend time with God.

In the summer of 2021, my time with God slowly decreased. I had vacations to go on, I lost a loved one, and the stress from my job had taken a toll on me. I would still pray from time to time. As well as attended Church on Sundays, BUT that wasn’t enough. I knew I needed to do something different. I asked myself, how can I start to spend more time with God? For one, I had to figure out what my distractions were and incorporate God more in my life. I decided, though, not only to add in little habits but why not have fun as well!

Some of these you can do alone or with others. It is all up to you how you want to do it. Remember, praying and reading the Word are still necessary, so you shouldn’t neglect those activities.

Just a disclaimer before we get started: This is not a post saying that spending any time with God isn’t fun, but sometimes the enemies’ lies can get in our minds and make quality time with God sound like a chore or something negative. These ideas are to debunk those intrusive thoughts whenever they pop up in your mind.

In the meantime, here are five fun ways to spend with God!

1. Take your Bible and go sit down at a coffee shop.

Even if you do not drink coffee, you can get some dessert to eat while spending time in God’s Word. The coffee shop is a relaxing setting to enjoy your time with God. If you are worried about someone watching, it is not that big of a deal. People come to the coffee house alone to study for classes, read, or read the Bible themselves. Also, you can create some lovely aesthetic photos at the end of your sessions if you want.

2. Get Creative

Create a piece of art related to your walk with Christ or an event in the Bible. Examples are:

  1. Make a painting related to an event in the Bible, such as Jesus’ Resurrection
    or the Garden of Eden
  2. Calligraphy your favorite Bible verses onto a canvas
  3. Take pictures of nature and appreciate God’s Creation

If you do not have a creative bone in your body, look at other people’s work and admire what others have done.

I chose photography because I am just amazed at the beauty that God has created around us. Here is an example:

I took this while I was walking through the park


3. Do an activity related to Mathew 25: 35-40

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.“Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!

  1. Cook a meal for a sick friend (You fed me)
  2. Make DIY clothes for a shelter (You gave me clothing)
  3. Volunteer at a hospital, depending on Covid restrictions. (You cared for me)
  4. Host a game night at your house with new members at church (You invited Me into your home)
  5. Contact Local Prison and see what Volunteer spots they have to offer (You visited me)

What better way to spend time with God than to do activities for his people. Some of these activities would be fun to do with friends or family. Also, if you are part of a ministry at church, you can present an idea.

4. Have a picnic, even if it’s in your backyard

Get a Picnic blanket, get some food, and pick a location. During the picnic, you can have worship music playing, have your Bible out, and enjoy the scenery surrounding you. Of course, if you decide to have a picnic one day and it will rain, you can always bring it indoors! If there is a TV nearby, you can post a beach or a forest video.

My Version of a Picnic

5. Create a Prayer Jar

Buy a Mason Jar from the store and buy items to write on to put in the jar. It can be pieces of paper, popsicle sticks, or small cards. Be as creative as you want. Afterward, make a list of people or situations to pray about. If you need a starting point, here are some ideas:

  1. Parents
  2. Family Members
  3. Your church or a church you used to go to
  4. Prayer Request
  5. Friends of a former friend
  6. Coworkers
  7. Classmates
  8. Significant other
  9. People who are hard for you to love
  10. Your country


This post is just a starting point for fun ways to spend time with God, but there are many ways to do it. Like coming up with fun ways to spend time with friends, family, and significant others, you can do the same with God. If you have any ideas to share, I would love to hear them!




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