Challenges,  Personal Growth

Ten 30-day challenges to try for Personal Growth

Who loves a good challenge?!

A challenge can help with self-confidence, especially if you can complete it. Even if you fail to meet a challenge, the perseverance you gain from the challenge can tremendously benefit your growth.

Multiple challenges exist, but I would like to focus on challenges that help you grow as a person. Even though you are doing it for 30 days, there is a chance that this can become a habit that you continue!

Plenty of articles discuss the effects of 30-day challenges, but this is a chance to see how these challenges affect you. It can have a tremendous impact or not help you at all. You will never know until you try!

Let’s see what challenges lies below!

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Have you ever participated in a 30-Day Challenge?

1. Journal Challenge

Take at least 10 minutes of your day and journal. Journal about what you will do that day, what happened the day before, etc. Also, take the time to journal about your emotions and why you feel certain emotions. Journaling can help acknowledge some feelings you have been avoiding or help you be more productive.

2. No Social Media Challenge

Why can taking a break from social media be good for your growth? It allows you to reach out to people instead of just visiting their social media pages. It removes all the negativity you sometimes can not avoid while scrolling social media. It also gives you a mental break and lets you focus on what is in front of you. If you spend more than 3 hours on social media daily (for non-work-related reasons), maybe you should take a break.

3. No Eating out

Not only will this help your health, but it also helps your pockets. This will allow you to know what you are putting inside your body. Also, since you aren’t eating out, why not focus on cooking healthier meals? Your body will thank you for it. If you do not know how to cook, it can also be a chance to work on a new skill.

4. Non-Fiction Reading

Spending time daily to read a Non-Fiction book can help with being more knowledgeable and well-rounded. It doesn’t matter what kind of book you read as long as it is a book that can help you grow and be better. Spend 20 minutes a day reading a book.

Bonus Points: Start incorporating tips from the books into your everyday life at that moment to create a new habit.

5. Exercise Daily

This is very helpful for gaining a new healthy habit, working on self-discipline, and exercising has many benefits. Instead, it is 10, 20,30, or even 40 minutes daily. Pace yourself and get moving daily.

6. Learn a New Skill

Think about a skill you have been putting off.

Please write it down, and commit to spending every day learning it. Some skills might take longer than others, but the key is consistency. You never know if that skill you have been slacking on could help you in the future.

7. Embrace Femininity Challenge

If you want to become feminine or embrace it more, this challenge can help you. You can learn manners, table etiquette, how to dress better, how to get better at makeup, etc. Whatever area in your life you feel like you have been lacking in embracing, this is the chance to work on returning to that point again.

8. Morning Routine

Create a productive morning routine and stick to it for 30 days. It can help with creating a productive day or a more relaxed day. You can add in reading emails for 10 minutes, creating a to-do list, etc. Determine how long your routine will be and make it accustomed to your current life.

9. Bible Reading Challenge

Commit to reading the Bible daily. Instead of just reading, do a deep dive into the Word. Techniques such as the Soap Method and the 5 W’s can help you understand the text more. Daily time in the Word is beneficial for your relationship with Christ. You never know what God can tell you while diving into His Word.

10. Self-Love Challenge

Sometimes, we pour into others so much in our lives that we forget to pour into ourselves. So we are left empty while others are full. It is very challenging for us to take care of ourselves. This Challenge helps fill up our cup so it can be whole again. Take time daily to care for yourself, love yourself, and do something you enjoy. A therapy session, a cheat meal, or buying a new book are some ideas for loving yourself. Even if it is for just 5 minutes, do something for yourself.

Final Thoughts

Challenge yourself to grow physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. There is a challenge that will help with each of those four categories. I would love to hear what you would try or have already tried! Let’s strive to be better than the person we were yesterday!


  • Melissa

    I love challenges!! They help keep me on track to meet goals and grow. I’m going to add a few of these to my list. I’m going to try the morning routine challenge first. I need to work on starting my day a bit calmer and relaxed 🙂 Thanks for the great suggestions!

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