
65 Intimate Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for Couples and Singles

Valentine’s Day is approaching, so it is time to plan! Whether you want to do something Extravagant or more down-to-earth, you should make the most of the day when it comes. However, spending hours upon hours searching for “Valentine’s Day Date Ideas” can get tiresome and redundant for a couple or someone that is single.

Here are 65 ideas for couples, singles, and even long-distance couples! I would encourage you to read all the ideas because some of the ideas for couples can be used for singles and vice versa. Let’s make this year’s Valentine’s Day the best one yet!


1. Paint and Chacteurie Board at Home

2. Dance Class

3. Cook a Gordon Ramsey recipe together.

4. Rent your dream car or a limo for the night and go out to eat.

5. Have lunch together during lunch break (if allowed)

6. Go to a play or musical.

7. Write a fictional story together (pass back the story every 20 minutes to see how well it flows)

8. Attend a Sports game.

9. Rooftop Picnic

10. Vacation at an all-inclusive resort

11. Picnic on the beach

12. Build a Snowman together.

13. Drive through 4-Course Meal (You will go to 4 different locations and get an appetizer, main course, dessert, and drinks. You both play rock-paper-scissors. The winner chooses the meals, and then after eating that meal, you will play rock-paper-scissors again until all four courses are done!)

14. Try a new active hobby together.

15. Rent a Cabin in the woods for a night.

16. Try out each other’s hobbies together (if he is a golfer, go golfing with him, and if she likes to crochet, learn how to crochet a simple pattern)

17. Go Wine Tasting

18. Have an arcade night like you two are kids again.

19. Do A Boudoir Photoshoot together.

20. Go to a Comedy Club

21. Have a Movie Night outside

22. Take a Dance Class

23. Breakfast in Bed

24. Stargaze Together

25. Do a DIY Project together


1. Go to the Spa

2. Get dressed up and go to a new or expensive restaurant

3. Bring your nice bottle of wine to a paint and sip.

4. Have a Galantine‘s with your friends or church members.

5. Take a New Class you have never tried before (candle making, pottery, etc.)

6. Stay in a 5-star hotel.

7. Buy yourself some self-care products and flowers.

8. Try a Flower bath.

9. Visit a New Museum

10. Explore a New Hobby

11. Make a Vision Board (6 month board or a Year board)

12. Redecorate a room in your house.

13. Do an activity you used to love in your childhood.

14. Take a new book and read it in a coffee shop.

15. Find hidden gems in your city.

16. Movie marathon with your favorite food

17. Learn your love language and find ways to express it to yourself.

18. Lazy Day (take the day off and do nothing!)

19. Go to a New Bar with friends.

20. Give Valentine’s Day gifts to your parents or friends.

21. Unplug from Social Media for the day.

22. Buy yourself some new Perfume.

23. Go to a Smash It room.

24. Do a Scenic Train Ride

25. Journal about the type of partner you want

Long Distance

1. Couple Card Games

2. Play a game online together and turn it into a truth-or-dare

3. Watch a Short New TV series together.

4. Send them Flowers to their job or home.

5. Doordash them their favorite restaurant food (better yet, do it as a surprise while on the phone or Zoom with each other)

6. Dinner over Zoom or Facetime

7. Find a virtual concert or museum to see together for the two of you.

8. Powerpoint presentation where you tell each other the topic to present (this can be hilarious or romantic, depending on the subject)

9. Virtual Fashion Show (both of you’ll pick categories, and you go into the closet and pick out an outfit that fits that category. Examples are “sexiest outfit” or “tacky outfit.”)

10. Pick a Famous picture and try to repaint it, and sip wine with music playing in the background.

11. Surprise them by showing up!

12. Make a Playlist for each other and listen to the songs together (at the end, tell them why you chose each song)

13. Take a Virtual Cocktail class together.

14. Watch the Sunrise and Sunset Together Virtually (if you two are in two different time zones, watch the sunrise in one and the sunset for the other person)

15. Play 21 Questions together (the more profound the questions, the better)

With the Valentine’s Day Date ideas that you choose, I hope it is an awesome one. I would love to hear what you have done and if it made the day memorable.


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