Personal Growth

20 Journal Prompts for Getting to Know Yourself Better

“Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.” Jen Williamson.

When you look online for examples of self-care, examples of emotional self-care, etc., I bet journaling came up at least once. Writing in a Journal has been a long time practice for many centuries.

Whether it is for documenting everyday life, figuring your thoughts out, or simply writing down a to-do list, it is a widespread practice that is done today. Also, it holds some good benefits for you as well.

While doing some deep cleaning, I found three journals that date back to when I first started college in 2014! It was filled with many journal entries about what I was going through then, some poems I had written, and even some notes I had taken from some YouTube videos I had watched.

Once I finished cleaning, I spent about two hours reading through the entries I had collected. The time frame ranged from 2014-2019. Being able to see my growth as a person over those five years was beautiful to see. I will say, though, it made me realize that I need to journal more about myself.

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” ― Socrates

I think knowing yourself on a surface and deeper level is essential. Of course, we know what our favorite foods are, our favorite animals, and our favorite colors; those are more surface. However, have we explored some childhood traumas or why certain situations trigger us? We probably have or have not done that kind of journaling before.

There are countless journal prompts out there for so many different topics. However, if you are here today, we will focus on getting to know ourselves on a deeper level. Some questions will be based on spirituality, health, career, friends, love life, family, and lifestyle. You might discover something about yourself that your subconscious has been avoiding.

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How often do you journal?

Journal Prompts

1.What are three of your biggest Pet Peeves? Why is it a Pet Peeve?

2. What area in my life do I need to work on the most? What are three habits that I can do to implement this right now?

3. What negative aspects of your relationship are you currently tolerating? Why are you tolerating it? For example, your significant other constantly cheats on you; your significant other doesn’t help you out around the house, etc.

4. What is something that you always wanted to do? What is holding you back? If you say yourself, how are you preventing yourself from getting started?

5. Make a list of 20 things that generally make you happy.

6. What does the best version of yourself look like?

7. Make two columns. On one side, list people in your life who make you feel energized, happy, or supported. On the other side, list people who drain you, or you feel bad after talking to them. For the people that make you feel supported, do you speak to them often or spend time with them? For the people who drain you, what about them drains you?

8. Ideally, how much money would you like to make yearly that will make you feel comfortable? Are you making that amount of money now? If not, what would you need to do?

9. Do you like your current career? If not, what would you instead do? How can your current job help you get to your dream career?

10. Write down all the healthy habits you practice weekly. What three patterns would you like to start implementing?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein

11. What are some ways that you can grow more in your faith?

12. Write out your 5-year plan. Make it as detailed as possible.

13. Which family traditions mean the most to you? Which ones would you like to abandon completely?

14. What five activities can you do that bring you solitude? How often do you do these activities?

15. List your standards for a friend and a significant other. Do you meet your standards?

16. What are some negative thoughts that you have about yourself? Where did they stem from? Was it a friend, family, coworker, etc.?

17. What are 20 things that you love about yourself?

18. If you are a people pleaser, what do you think will happen if you stop being a people pleaser? Why do you believe this?

19. What are five significant obstacles that you overcame in your life? At first, did you think you would overcome them? How did you feel afterward?

20. Write down 50 reasons to live/keep going. Return later if you can not come up with 50 on the spot. Be sure to finish this prompt.

Final thoughts

Some of these prompts are long, or you might think you can’t answer them. I am here to tell you no matter how difficult the prompt is, you can do it! There is a reason why the prompts challenge you to think. For example, #20 needs to be completed, so when you have those days that you want to give up on life, you have 50 reasons telling you why you need to keep going. These prompts are meant to encourage you to be a better person spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and more.


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